Dans l'actualité
Covered calls come for fixed income
Half a dozen fixed-income ETFs are the newest to rely on options writing to generate high monthly distributions.
Investing in 2023, 2024, Popular ETFs and more; Interview with Michael Kovacs, CEO of Harvest Portfolio Group.
Higher-for-longer interest rates is the reality rippling through bond markets. As rates go up, prices of bonds go down, offering more…
All else being equal: Making the case for equal-weight ETFs
In an equal-weight strategy, such as the one employed by the Invesco S&P 500 Equal Weight Index ETF, the mightiest names are cut down to size.
Weight loss drugs Ozempic, Wegovy may be right for investors
Breakthroughs in the effectiveness of a class of medicines designed to treat diabetes have become the most talked about drug developments…
5 Best Travel ETFs In Canada (2023)
Targeting travel and tourism through a travel ETF can pay off handsomely if activity continues to pick up and exceed 2019 levels…
Ready for take-off: Is now a good time to invest in a travel ETF?
After a tough few years for the travel industry, people are spending big on vacations again. Here’s a look at opportunities for investors.
A new voice joins Canada’s national ETF industry association
Harvest Portfolios president and CEO speaks out on what membership means to fast-growing firm
Harvest ETFs VP of Marketing named one of Canada’s Best Executives
Caroline Grimont led the evolution of Harvest’s website from outdated digital billboard to content-rich…
Investing in the health care sector—better returns than tech?
Are health care stocks the new tech stocks? They could be, in more ways than one. We look at opportunities for equities investors.
What’s new from fund manufacturers
New ETFs give exposure to short-term treasuries, Big 6 Canadian banks, and the hospitality and travel industry
What’s new from fund manufacturers
New ETFs give exposure to short-term treasuries, Big 6 Canadian banks, and the hospitality and travel industry
Harvest expands listing with launch of two income ETFs
The innovative product aims to give unit holders significant monthly cash dividends
Best in show: How to find and invest in market leaders
It makes a lot of sense to invest in time-tested companies and stocks. Here’s how to invest in sector-leading companies in a diversified way.
Getting paid for volatility
A leader in equity income, Harvest ETFs CIO Paul MacDonald explains why its proven covered-call options..
Get paid to wait—is now an opportunity to invest in tech stocks?
For investors thinking about buying tech stocks while prices are down, here’s another approach to…
High Cash flow from Canadian Dividend Payers
Canadian investors love Canadian companies, and dividends might be a big reason why. Canadian stocks…
Hedged vs Unhedged ETFs explained
Currency hedging can impact an ETF’s price and overall performance; learn about hedged and unhedged ETFs in Canada here.
Report on business magazine announces best executive awards 2023
Caroline Grimont, VP Marketing, Harvest ETFs, Named one of Canada’s Best Sales & Marketing
Harvest ETFs: High-Yield Income ETF Specialists
After a year of brutal stock and bond market losses, many Canadian investors have seemingly…
3 ways to recession-proof your RRIF
If rising inflation and interest rates have put a dent in your retirement savings, consider these…
Equity Income ETFs: A New Way to Live Well in Retirement
Retirement in Canada is changing. A mixture of demographics, healthcare advances, and the cost of living…
Is the travel sector all clear for takeoff in 2023?
Two years after pandemic challenges, portfolio manager sees divergent paths of recovery within the space
What are call options? Why should retirees care about them?
Call options are a type of financial contract that investors can buy…
Why Healthcare Stocks Have Been Beating the Market
Harvest Portfolio’s Paul MacDonald remains upbeat about healthcare and pharmaceutical stocks in this ETF…
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