Tax Information

Distributions are based on December 31, 2023 information.

The figures below are for information purposes only and are not intended as legal or tax advice. Unitholders should consult their own legal or tax advisor.






Equity Income ETFs

Cash Distributions
TickerFund NameEligible DividendForeign IncomeWithholding TaxROCCapital GainsTotal
HBFHarvest Brand Leaders Plus Income ETF--$0.12877-$0.02857$0.61980--$0.72000
HBF.BHarvest Brand Leaders Plus Income ETF--$0.13243-$0.03000$0.61757--$0.72000
HBF.U*Harvest Brand Leaders Plus Income ETF--$0.14366-$0.03177$0.60811--$0.72000
HESGHarvest ESG Equity Income Index ETF--$0.41329-$0.00519---$0.40810
HGRHarvest Global REIT Leaders Income ETF--$0.19003-$0.03220$0.39177--$0.54960
HHLHarvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF--$0.09060-$0.02335$0.28687$0.34548$0.69960
HHL.BHarvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF--$0.08834-$0.02568$0.18505$0.45189$0.69960
HHL.U*Harvest Healthcare Leaders Income ETF--$0.08607-$0.02370$0.03649$0.60074$0.69960
HLIFHarvest Canadian Equity Income Leaders ETF$0.31754----$0.36300$0.01906$0.69960
HPFHarvest Energy Leaders Plus Income ETF$0.04815$0.05857-$0.01516$0.20844--$0.30000
HPF.U*Harvest Energy Leaders Plus Income ETF$0.05859$0.07418-$0.01784$0.18507--$0.30000
HRIFHarvest Diversified Equity Income ETF$0.08431$0.14883-$0.02344$0.55650$0.03380$0.80000
HTAHarvest Tech Achievers Growth & Income ETF------$1.05930$0.22070$1.28000
HTA.BHarvest Tech Achievers Growth & Income ETF------$1.28000--$1.28000
HTA.U*Harvest Tech Achievers Growth & Income ETF------$1.28000--$1.28000
HUBLHarvest US Bank Leaders Income ETF--$0.30965-$0.06282$0.75277--$0.99960
HUBL.U*Harvest US Bank Leaders Income ETF--$0.35750-$0.07127$0.71337--$0.99960
HUTLHarvest Equal Weight Global Utilities Income ETF$0.21574$0.54940-$0.08431$0.71837--$1.39920
TRVIHarvest Travel & Leisure Income ETF--$0.02497-$0.00999$1.26502--$1.28000
Non-Cash Re-Invested Distributions**
TickerFund NameEligible DividendForeign IncomeWithholding TaxROCCapital GainsTotal
HESGHarvest ESG Equity Income Index ETF--$1.20492-$0.01511----$1.18981

Fixed Income ETFs

Cash Distributions
TickerFund NameEligible DividendForeign IncomeWithholding TaxROCCapital GainsTotal
HPYTHarvest Premium Yield Treasury ETF--$0.07438-$0.00636$0.21536$0.16662$0.45000

Enhanced Income ETFs

Cash Distributions
TickerFund NameEligible DividendForeign IncomeWithholding TaxROCCapital GainsTotal
HBFEHarvest Brand Leaders Enhanced Income ETF--$0.06133-$0.02453$0.93520--$0.97200
HDIFHarvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF$0.07577$0.03574-$0.01429$0.56497$0.18741$0.84960
HHLEHarvest Healthcare Leaders Enhanced Income ETF--$0.03631-$0.01452$0.62062$0.45319$1.09560
HLFEHarvest Canadian Equity Enhanced Income Leaders ETF$0.32068----$0.62239$0.02173$0.96480
HTAE Harvest Tech Achievers Enhanced Income ETF------$1.37040--$1.37040
HUTEHarvest Equal Weight Global Utilities Enhanced Income ETF$0.17592$0.33123-$0.06716$0.58121--$1.02120

Passive Growth ETFs

Non-cash Re-invested Distributions**
TickerFund NameEligible DividendForeign IncomeWithholding TaxROCCapital GainsTotal
HCLNHarvest Clean Energy ETF$0.04654$0.14446-$0.01700----$0.17400
HGGGHarvest Global Gold Giants Index ETF$0.35309$0.15056-$0.01432--$1.99327$2.48260
TRVLHarvest Travel & Leisure Index ETF--$0.05617-$0.02247----$0.03370
TRVL.U*Harvest Travel & Leisure Index ETF--$0.00973-$0.00389----$0.00584

Structured & Mutual Funds

Fund NameFund ClassTickerEligible DividendForeign IncomeWithholding TaxROCCapital GainsTotal
Australian REIT
Income Fund
Harvest Banks & Buildings
Income Fund
Harvest Canadian Income
& Growth Fund

* Per unit amounts for Class U are denominated in U.S. dollars

** Non-cash distributions are paid annually (if any). There is no impact on net asset value per unit. The notional distribution is added to the cost base of the ETF and is taxable if not held in a register account (RSP/RIF/TFSA/RESP and FHSA).

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investment funds. Please read the prospectus before investing. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values cha nge frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Mutual Fund distributions are re-invested unless you ask to receive distributions in cash. Closed End Funds distributions are paid in cash unless you request, pursuant to participation in a distribution reinvestment plan (if available for that Closed End Fund), that they be reinvested. Exchange Trade Funds (ETFs) distributions are paid in cash unless you request, pursuant to participation in a distribution reinvestment plan (if available for that ETF), that they be reinvested.