OAKVILLE, ON, March 16, 2021 /CNW/ – Further to its announcement on December 23, 2020, Harvest Portfolios Group Inc., the manager of Harvest US Investment Grade Bond Plus ETF (the “ETF”) (TSX: HUIB), announces that the ETF was terminated effective March 15, 2021. The units of the ETF were delisted from the Toronto Stock Exchange as at the close of business on March 15, 2021.
The ETF’s final net asset value per unit was $19.0952. Payment of the termination proceeds will be made on or about March 31, 2021 to the beneficial holders of such units through CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc.
For further information: For additional information: Please visit www.harvestportfolios.com, e-mail [email protected] or call toll free 1-866-998-8298.
Founded in 2009, Harvest Portfolios Group Inc. is a Canadian Investment Fund Manager which offers an innovative suite of exchange traded funds, mutual funds and publicly-listed structured products designed to satisfy the long-term growth and income needs of investors. We pride ourselves in creating trusted investment solutions that meet the expectations of our investors.
You will usually pay brokerage fees to your dealer if you purchase or sell units of the Fund(s) on the TSX. If the units are purchased or sold on the TSX, investors may pay more than the current net asset value when buying units of the Fund(s) and may receive less than the current net asset value when selling them. There are ongoing fees and expenses associated with owning units of an investment fund. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. An investment fund must prepare disclosure documents that contain key information about the fund. You can find more detailed information about the fund in these documents.