Higher Income. Every Month.

Maximized Yields from Enhanced Income

Harvest’s objective is to offer High Income ETFs that maximize monthly yields through optimized ROI.

Featured ETF

Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF

Reliable Income – Diverse Growth Opportunities

The Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF is built to deliver high and consistent monthly income with diverse growth opportunities using modest leverage. This ETF primarily holds a portfolio of Harvest’s Equity Income ETFs, a multi-sector portfolio capturing a large and diverse set of high-quality companies. Existing stocks yields from the Equity Income ETFs are combined with a covered call option to generate income and offset volatility.



Updated Daily


Updated Daily


Cash, Per Unit

Higher Income from Harvest Enhanced Income ETFs

Harvest Healthcare Leaders Enhanced Income ETF

Price Yield
$10.76 10.18%
Updated Daily Updated Daily
HTA Ticker

Harvest Tech Achievers Enhanced Income ETF

Price Yield
$16.19 9.64%
Updated Daily Updated Daily
HTA Ticker

Harvest Equal Weight Global Utilities Enhanced Income ETF

Price Yield
$9.94 10.27%
Updated Daily Updated Daily

Related Harvest Insights


Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investing in Harvest Exchange Traded Funds (managed by Harvest Portfolios Group Inc.). Please read the relevant prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns (except for figures of one year or less, which are simple total returns) including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. The funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Tax investment and all other decisions should be made with guidance from a qualified professional.

The current yield represents an annualized amount that is comprised of 12 unchanged monthly distributions (using the most recent month’s distribution figure multiplied by 12) as a percentage of the closing market price of the Fund. The current yield does not represent historical returns of the ETF but represents the distribution an investor would receive if the most most recent distribution stayed the same going forward.

* Represents aggregate AUM of all classes denominated in Canadian dollars.

How to Invest

Harvest ETFs trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange, and can be bought and sold through your investment advisor, or any Canadian self-directed brokerage account, including:

Harvest ETFs Announces Increases to Monthly Cash Distributions

Harvest ETFs announced by press release on June 25, 2024 that certain ETFs will increase their monthly cash distribution amount for all classes taking effect for the July 31, 2024 record date with a payable date of August 9, 2024. For more details, please read the press release.