Globe Advisor features Harvest Tech Achievers ETF

August 28, 2019
Globe Advisor features Harvest Tech Achievers ETF
The Harvest Tech Achievers Growth and Income ETF  (TSX: HTA) was featured this week in an article in the Globe Advisor section of the Globe & Mail’s Report on Business. The article talked about the promise of new technologies and their ability to create new ways of doing things. But this sector can be difficult for financial advisors and investors to navigate with advances that are not always easy to understand. So, unlocking that value takes time and the companies and products first out of the gate aren’t necessarily the ones that will win the race. The article looked at two investment approaches, one via the Harvest ETF conservative growth and income method and another higher risk strategy through a mutual fund that blends conservative, large capitalization  holdings with smaller mid-cap firms. The article said the different approaches may be worth considering for client portfolios depending on their risk tolerance, the length of time they expect to hold the fund and preferred balance between growth and income.  Globe Advisor subscribers can read the article here.  The full article can also be found here.
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