Current Yield (as at 2025/02/28)
Key Facts
As at 2025/03/07
Underlying ETFs
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With Covered Calls
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Key Facts
As at 2025/03/07
Underlying ETFs
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With Covered Calls
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Michael Kovacs
President & CEO
Harvest ETFs
Q1: Why did you launch the Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF?
At Harvest we have consistently delivered growth opportunities and income for investors through our ETFs. We use a simple, powerful investment philosophy: owning high-quality companies in sectors with long-term growth tailwinds using a covered call strategy to maximize income on top of existing dividend yields.
We launched HDIF to capture the success of some of our equity income ETFs, proven income-generators for Canadian investors. This ETF will give investors access to the growth potential and income we are known for at Harvest through a single investment product.
Q2: What tools and strategies are in the fund to deliver its yield?
HDIF’s income mechanics begin with the ETFs it holds. The portfolio holds high-quality companies and investment grade government bonds that generate a strong yield. We can then exceed the income of a typical Canadian dividend ETF by using a covered call strategy to generate premiums on up to 33% of the ETF’s holdings while offsetting volatility.
In HDIF, we have applied leverage at a rate of 1.25. This leverage increases both the return and yield on the ETF.
Q3: Who is this ETF for?
HDIF was built with income-seekers in mind. Investors of all stripes and tax brackets need passive income generation, but pre-retirees and retirees need income acutely now. With interest rates as low as they have been for the past several years, many traditional income-generating products are paying less than the rate of inflation. That means that many of the products people relied on to supplement their CPP benefits aren’t providing enough to live on.
Since traditional fixed income often can’t offset government-mandated drawdowns on RRIF accounts, many retirees are watching their savings dwindle. Thousands of Canadians are worried that they might outlive their savings. A high yield income product like HDIF can go a long way in making this complex situation simpler.
Q4: What are some long-term performance tailwinds behind some of the ETFs in this fund?
What’s great about HDIF is that it captures the unique performance drivers behind each of its component ETFs. HHL provides access to the healthcare sector’s huge and unchanging demand, as well as the innovation large-cap companies drive and capture in this space. HTA pulls from the tech giants that continue to be the biggest and best sustainable growth drivers. HUTL maximizes the yield with the defensive characteristics of utilities by focusing on companies with scale, diversified across the globe. HUBL puts investors at the beating heart of the world’s largest economy: the US banking sector. HLIF adds crucial Canadian exposure from some of this country’s established businesses. TRVI pulls together a multi-sector portfolio of travel companies with long-term growth tailwinds. Finally, HBF gives diversified access to the world’s biggest, best, and most recognizable brands, companies with an unprecedented key role in the functioning of our global economy.
Put all that together and you get unique performance drivers with long-term prospects.
Q5: How is the Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF different?
HDIF stands out in the market because it pulls from our existing expertise. Where many other ‘funds of funds’ need to pull from a range of ETF providers and charge an additional fee on top of underlying management costs, HDIF is comprised of only Harvest ETFs and charges no extra fee. That’s because we already have a track record of providing growth and income through our ETFs, we can combine them at no extra cost, limiting any performance-inhibiting fees.
HDIF is different because Harvest is different. We already do what we say we’re going to do in each of these ETFs, now we’re putting them all in one package.
Performance Catalysts
The Harvest Diversified Monthly Income ETF serves as a source of income and growth focus at a time when Canadian investors need both. It simplifies a complex universe of investable products, it provides stability through diversification across sectors and geographies, while applying modest leverage and a covered call strategy to achieve competitive yields.
Harvest Healthcare
Leaders Income ETF
Harvest Tech Achievers
Growth & Income ETF
Harvest Brand Leaders Plus
Income ETF
Harvest Equal Weight
Global Utilities Income ETF
Harvest Industrial Leaders
Income ETF
Harvest Global REIT Leaders
Income ETF
Quality Businesses
We own quality businesses. We select leading companies with histories of success. They dominate their industries, they innovate, they lead, and their brand equity is measured by a long record of strong financial performance.
Related Insights
Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with investing in Harvest Exchange Traded Funds (managed by Harvest Portfolios Group Inc.). Please read the relevant prospectus before investing. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns (except for figures of one year or less, which are simple total returns) including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any securityholder that would have reduced returns. The funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
Distributions are paid to you in cash unless you request, pursuant to your participation in a distribution reinvestment plan, that they be reinvested into the Class of units that you own of the Fund. If the Fund earns less than the amounts distributed, the difference is a return of capital. Tax, investment and all other decisions should be made with guidance from a qualified professional.
The current yield represents an annualized amount that is comprised of 12 unchanged monthly distributions (using the most recent month’s distribution figure multiplied by 12) as a percentage of the closing market price of the Fund. The current yield does not represent historical returns of the ETF but represents the distribution an investor would receive if the most recent distribution stayed the same going forward.
* Represents aggregate AUM of all classes denominated in Canadian dollars.
** In addition to cash distributions, the Fund could have notional non-cash distributions which are paid annually (if any). There is no impact on net asset value per unit. The notional distribution is added to the cost base of the ETF and is taxable if not held in a registered account (RRSP/RRIF/TFSA, FHSA and RESP).