Dans l'actualité
Harvest ETFs designed for passive income investors, delivers high yields
Harvest ETFs designed for passive income investors, leveraging covered call strategies to enhance income and growth in shifting market policies
Harvest ETFs launches high income shares ETFs with covered call strategies
Harvest lists six new ETFs on the TSX, offering single-stock exposure and monthly distributions
Product roundup: Harvest plans to expand its ETF lineup
Harvest Portfolios Group Inc. announced on Dec. 11 that it has filed a preliminary prospectus with the Canadian securities regulators for six new ETFs.
2 High-Yield Dividend ETFs to Buy to Generate Passive Income
Brian Paradza, CFA, explores high-yield dividend ETF powerhouses like the Harvest NVIDIA Enhanced high Income Shares ETF (TSX:NVHE).
3 High-Yield Dividend ETFs to Buy to Generate Passive Income
Fool Canada writer Amy Legate-Wolfe explores high-yield dividend ETFs that generate consistent passive income.
Healthcare: investing in a sector anchored by necessity, powered by innovation
Paul MacDonald, Chief Investment Officer at Harvest ETFs, details how Harvest ETFs leverages enduring trends and breakthroughs.
Where is the Trump market going?
The Globe and Mail contributor Gordon Pape highlights market movements and reflects on Harvest ETFs’ post-election webinar with Professor Siegel.
Canada’s largest covered call fixed income ETF: Delivering stability, high monthly income, and tax efficiency
Harvest ETFs explores the role of covered call U.S. Treasury ETFs and income strategies amidst rate cuts.
Utilities rebound as rates fall
Utility and infrastructure stocks lag the broader stock market when interest rates are rising, but they have a better time when rates start to fall.
In times of uncertainty, health-care ETFs offer a defensive investment choice
It’s a sector asset managers have watched closely as the global population ages, weight-loss treatments soar in popularity and a steady stream of innovation improves patient outcomes.
How single-stock ETFs can unlock high monthly income plus growth potential
Harvest High Income Shares aren’t your typical investment funds. This new breed may further change how many advisors and investors choose to invest in some of the biggest names on the stock market.
Inside a new single-stock income strategy
Paul MacDonald, Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager at Harvest ETFs, outlines why his firm launched four ETFs holding only one stock each
Driving industrial growth: The strategic launch of Harvest Industrial Leaders Income ETF
CIO & Portfolio Manager Paul MacDonalds explains how advisors are using these ETFs since their launch late last year.
Exploring the use cases for covered call bond ETFs
CIO & Portfolio Manager Paul MacDonalds explains how advisors are using these ETFs since their launch late last year.
These four ETFs are posting strong gains in a mixed year for stocks. They are all still buys
Harvest ETFs’ CEO Unpacks New Strategies
Michael Kovacs explains why his firm has launched their first “balanced” ETFs, and why they’ve added an industrials product.
Harvest ETFs announces new ETFs: An innovative balanced covered call ETF and an industrials-focused ETF
For investors seeking opportunities in balanced growth and income, and exposure to the resurging U.S. industrial sector, Harvest ETFs has…
Peace of Mind Investing and Monthly Income: The Smart Balance
JP Morgan Health Care Conference sets the tone for the industry each year, what has 2024’s conference told us so far?
What America’s largest Healthcare industry conference has told us about the sector in 2024
JP Morgan Health Care Conference sets the tone for the industry each year, what has 2024’s conference told us so far?
What happened to Healthcare stocks in 2023?
Portfolio manager explains why utilities are interest rate sensitive and what a hard or soft landing could mean for the sector…
Examining Harvest ETFs Product line-up and specialty as a firm
Portfolio manager explains why utilities are interest rate sensitive and what a hard or soft landing could mean for the sector…
Do peaking interest rates mean good times for utilities stocks?
Portfolio manager explains why utilities are interest rate sensitive and what a hard or soft landing could mean for the sector…
If ‘revenge travel’ is over, where does that leave travel stocks?
Revenge travel has been a buzzword across travel-related companies since the end of the pandemic. It means, essentially, that after…
Covered calls come for fixed income
Half a dozen fixed-income ETFs are the newest to rely on options writing to generate high monthly distributions.
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